Suicide Prevention Tools & Resources

NAPNAP Mental Health Resources

NAPNAP Partners’ parent organization, the National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners, provides a wealth of information and resources on suicide prevention and mental health on its website:

Mental Health Facts

Behavioral and Mental Health Resources

PedsCESM Courses

Moving Toward Upstream Prevention: Comprehensive Approaches to Address Youth Suicide - Alarmed about increasing numbers of young people contemplating or attempting suicide? Learn evidenced-based approaches to preventing this tragic loss of young life. Taught by APYS Champions Laura Searcy and Katie Erdlitz, attendees of this session will leave with increased knowledge, tools and resources to assist in addressing this critical issue.

Mental Health Crisis in America's Youth: Answering the Call - Almost half of high school students reported that they felt persistently sad or hopeless in 2021, and many have no access to behavioral health care. Uncertain of how to handle this influx in your primary care setting? Learn how to assess and respond to anxiety, trauma, depression and suicidal ideation by taking this course taught by Beth Heuer, Pamela Lusk and Naomi Schapiro.

NAPNAP Cares Course Collection â€“ Free to NAPNAP members, NAPNAP Cares was developed in response to the pediatric mental health crisis in the United States. Taught by experienced member experts who will discuss the evaluation, diagnostic decision making, and initial- and ongoing- management of a variety of mental health conditions and health promotion and anticipatory guidance.